Friday, 20 August 2010

Cyanonogen vs Orange - the winner is Cyanogen!!

I gave it another go... I'm a tinkerer at heart. Orange data has been stable (ie slow but there) so I installed Cyanogen again (I had taken a Nandroid backup but the restore hung everytime I ran it).

Installed Cyanogen, installed Google Apps, Titanium Restore, redid widgets... done! All seems pretty stable. Battery declined at an alarming rate (or so it seemed, it's easy to look for problems). A quick recharge and 2.5 hours later I've lost 5% of the charge, or about 2% per hour - I can live with 50 hours standby! The battery decline must have been due to me constantly messing about with the phone, the restores, etc. I may find cyanogen proves a bit juicy when in actual use but only time will tell. I've installed Juiceplotter which tracks your battery charge over time just to keep a track.

So how is it? GREAT! Favorite thing is apps2sd, this is like the default froyo version but works with most apps rather than just those coded to support it. It doesn't require a seperate partition like Cyanogen V5 either! I install a lot of, and I'll be honest here, crap and constantly have to delete stuff in order to fit new stuff on the phone.

Sadly my second favorite thing is the boot screen. The Nexus one was cool but I tired of it, this is new and I really like it. Look on Youtube if you wonder what all the fuss is about!

I'm gonna try it for a week and see how I get on... watch this space (not that anyone is watching it would seem!).

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